Make it work…
I’ve spent a lot of time in my life just thinking about why things don’t work. Going back to a classic, Think and Grow Rich, what I focus on is what I get. So, what I have gotten in life is a lot of ideas that don’t work. Nothing has been good enough. This has been a convenient excuse to not take any action. This is going to come as a big surprise: nothing is perfect. And, I get what I put my focus on. If nothing is ever right or good enough then nothing will ever be right or good enough. I get to make the most of every situation and create possibility out of where I am at.
Find the way to get what I want out of every situation and opportunity. I don’t know what the results will be of the actions that I take. If I am focused on providing value and making things better, that will be the result. It is such a habit to focus on why things don’t work. Sometimes it feels like the only way to do things. How powerful, though, to be able to take any situation and turn it into a win. To always be focused on solution and possibility.
This is a great concept in theory, and it can be quite easy to do the opposite in practice. It takes a conscious effort to focus on solution, to be positive, to create a win.
Life, to me, is a giant ball of clay. Now, I’m not much of a sculptor, however we have the opportunity to mold life into whatever shape we desire. Each day we find ourselves in new scenarios, in new places, with new people. What we make of these situations is completely up to us. How can I make the most of where I am? How can I add the things that I want into my job, my relationships, my home, my life? There is more than one way to do anything in life, and there are infinite ways to achieve a desired outcome. It’s not about having the perfect way to get whatever it is I want. It’s about taking the current situation and finding a way to add it in.
Having a plan is great. Being ready to adjust that plan is even better. We never know what the world is going to offer up, and once it does then we get to be ready to create something great with it. That is solution, that is possibility, that is creativity, that is joy.
There is a possibility to get what I want in any situation, or at least the opportunity to move me in that direction. Remember to look at what is possible. Focus on what I want to create, what I want to have in life. Find ways to make that happen. Life is a lot more fun then too. There is no such thing as a perfect situation. Waiting on one or trying to create one is a fool’s errand. I’ve done a lot of waiting around for that to happen - now it’s time to make the most of what I have doing what I want.